Indonesian Coconut Charcoal Briquettes Successfully Entered Turkish Market adminwebex01 September 9, 2022

Indonesian Coconut Charcoal Briquettes Successfully Entered Turkish Market

One container of MegCoco coconut charcoal briquettes worth USD 80,600 (market retail price) has arrived at the warehouse of the Indonesian charcoal briquette company ‘Kaya Sinerji Ltd. Sti ‘in Istanbul on January 4, 2021. In the future, Indonesian coconut charcoal briquettes will be shipped at least 2 containers to Turkey every month. The potential export value of coconut charcoal briquettes annually reaches USD 35 million.

Kaya Sinerji Company was officially founded on January 21, 2020 in Istanbul. Currently, the company already has a warehouse in Zeytinburnu district, Istanbul. As well as charcoal briquettes, Kaya Sinerji will also market coconut flour, active carbon, VCO, coconut water, coconut chips, nata decoco, coco peat and coconut sugar.

CEO of the company Kaya Sinerji Ltd. Sti. Tufan Algivari and Chairman of the Indonesian Coconut Charcoal Entrepreneurs Association (Perpaki), Yogi Abimanyu, said that Turkey is a potential market for Indonesian coconut charcoal briquettes. This is because Indonesian coconut charcoal briquettes have the best quality in the world. Apart from Turkey, Kaya Sinerji has currently received requests for coconut charcoal briquettes to be shipped to Bosnia, Albania, Russia, France and the United States.

The Indonesian Consul General in Istanbul, Imam As’ari, welcomed the success of Indonesian products in penetrating Turkish market, especially in the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic. The success of Kaya Sinerji in opening a warehouse and Indonesian product store in Istanbul can be increased as catalyst for Indonesian products which are distributed and marketed by Indonesian entrepreneurs to Turkey. So that in the future there can be an Indonesian store and distribution center for Indonesian products in Turkey. This is considering Turkey’s strategic location which can be used as a hub for export expansion to the European Union, Russia and also the Middle East region. Consul General Imam added that the coconut charcoal briquette product also added to the diversification of Indonesian products that had previously entered Turkey, such as textiles, rubber, paper, handicrafts and instant noodles.

Coconut shell, which is the raw material for charcoal briquettes, is currently exported from Indonesia to almost 50% of the total output with an increase of 4% per year. In the future it can be predicted that there will be scarcity of coconut shell raw material in Indonesia.

Thus, to prevent scarcity and ensure the availability of coconut shell raw materials, it is necessary to sell products that have been processed to charcoal briquettes in order to provide more value and maintain the sustainability of Indonesia’s natural resources for the long term.

It is hoped that Indonesia’s charcoal exports at the beginning of this year can add to the increase in the value of Indonesia-Turkey trade for 2021, which in 2020 (January-October) the trade value of the two countries reaches USD 1,070 billion with a surplus for Indonesia of USD 632.66 million.

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